Class for Men who live outside Germany.
The class/seminar of teaching how to seduce women is not for free. Here in Germany I usually meet with my clients and talk to them man to man. I charge money for it.
The price is acceptable, considering, that the men can go out the same evening to a bar or music club and have sucess by coming to know a pretty girl, getting her phone number and such succeed with the rules step by step and have her seduced within a period of about 5 dates. The rules and opening lines will be used by my clients all of their life and they will never be lonesome again.
The lessons are not written out in sort of a book, only on my teacherīs files and there are cassettes of taped lessons.
Following, a very simple way to obtain the whole seminar:
I talked everything on a cassette IN ENGLISH which I can send you and you can hear all the best tips. The tape is about 90 minutes and full of opening lines, tactical strategies, examples and analysis why the approaches work. There are about 20 standard-start-up conversation- opening lines which you can use 1:1 in bars, clubs or on the street. There are hints how to think of more openings on the same basis if you are in a different, non-standard-situation (not in a bar etc) You will find out how easy it is if you listen to the tape.
I know what value this tape has in Germany, and I can imagine what I will ask for the cassette selling it to people from US and Europeans. However, I would be very interested, what you would think it is worth. Please drop me a line, there is no obligation, I just want to know.
If you would like to know how to handle purchase and delivery, Iwill answer you by e-mail.
Okay. If you are not interested I am sorry having bothered you with all this words.
NEXT STEP: Send an e-mail and ask me for the price of the cassette
but only, if you are open minded to send me a bill by air mail.
English Readers only::
ORGASM 2000 Do you know the Orgasm of the Year? |
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